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About Us

The Mission

Our mission is to help people enrich their life and business experiences through technology. Got a boring task to do over, and over again? Chances are that it can be automated, if not, the workflow can be improved. That's where we come in. Right now, we focus on making education fun, and we've started working on a trivia game named "Bezole". Check it out and tell us how you like it!

The Motivation

If life can be easier, why not make the decisions to live it that way? We ask ourselves that question every day, and we kindly invite you to do it. It will save you money and time. At Caruxell, we tackle the big problems. Sometimes, problems you didn't even know you had. We try to solve these problems before you even encounter them. Where there's a will, there's a way.

The Way

We are creating bespoke, highly scalable, well thought out and future proof cloud applications, using the latest and greatest technology stacks available today. We also do our best work, and actively look for passionate people to work with us. If you want to be a part of our team, check out the careers page, and see if any of the roles fits you. We're welcoming and committed to treat you and your work with the amount of respect you deserve. Also, if you're an investor and you would like to contribute to our mission financially, write us an email.

The Location

Currently, our headquarters is located in Piatra Neamt, Neamt, Romania, and soon to be moving in Bucharest. We are also looking into expanding across the country and ultimately, the world. One step at the time, though, and maybe we'll get to your city!